At the outset.. বাট চ'ৰাতে

Welcome to my world..
I am not a writer nor a poet. Just trying to narrate some of my experiences .. I am usually comfortable in writing in Assamese, my mother tongue. Have written few blogs in English and have tried my hands in composing few poems in Hindi too.. My Hindi speaking friends may excuse me for my audacity to do so..

মোৰ জগতলৈ আদৰিছো...
কোনো কবি সাহিত্যিক মই নহয়, কিছুমান অভিজ্ঞতাৰ বৰ্ণনা মাথোন কৰিছো ইয়াত.. মাতৃভাষা অসমীয়াতে লিখি ভাল পাওঁ যদিও ইংৰাজীতো লিখিছো.. হিন্দী ভাষাতো দুটামান কবিতা লিখিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰি চাইছো....


Monday 8 April 2013

We'll find out

How many persons lost their lives, we'll find out,

Some eye witnesses for the same, we'll find out.

Where numerous people shiver in cold winter nights,

Warm comfortable place there in, we'll find out.


Here exists hunger-thirst-famine everyday,

There how do people enjoy accolades , we'll find out.


In this atmosphere of  love and brotherhood,

Who has spread these rumors, we'll find out.


In the neighborhood where message of love exchanged,

How this agony and pain have entered, we'll find out.


The river that has been flowing for ages,

Why has it stopped here suddenly, we'll find out.


Origin: (Hindi) Dr Raghunath Misra

Translated by: Dr Makhan Lal Das


  1. i appreciate dr. makhan lal das , who is doing great work of translation of hindi poems in assamee and english languages to make the poetry approchable to maximum number of poetry lovers. i get an oportunity to appreciate his spirit.

    1. Thank you Raghunath Misra ji.. it is my humble initiative as an admirer of poets and poetry

  2. we can find out everything
    but we could not find out who we are
    what for we have come to this world
    as human being

    we could not find out the reasons
    as to why we are behaving like beasts
    in human form

    we are talking about
    so many wrong doings happening around us
    day in and day out done to our fellow beings
    but we could not find ways to
    stop them

    we are helpless for the mitigation of
    crores of helpless beings suffering
    around us.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment Pattabi Raman
